RED CampusChurch Board Meeting 長執同工會
Seattle Campus 651 NW 81st St, Seattle, WA, United StatesSpring Cleaning 春季大掃除
SEA & REDPlease reserve the time to join this annual effort and co-labor with brothers and sisters to refresh our spiritual home.
Special Congregational Meeting 特別會員大會
教會訂於 5/21主日崇拜後召開實體會員大會。屆時將請會員投票認證聘請蔡允瑶傳道加入證道堂教牧同工團隊,擔任東區分堂粵語傳道。 Special congregational meetings will be held in-person only on May 21 following each worship service at all three of our campuses. Your vote, as a member of ECC, […]
2023「主裡一家親」開啟聚會 Kindred Kickoff Celebration
華大長老教會 UPC 4540 15th Ave NE, Seattle, WA, United States歡迎加入我們一起參與「主裡一家親」2023年主題:「站立得穩,齊心努力」的開啟聚會。在那裡,我們將一同敬拜、禱告、讚美和團契。活動將於2023年5月21日(主日)晚上6:30,在華大長老教會舉行。 Please join us in celebrating the kickoff of the upcoming Kindred series on “Standing Firm, Striving Together for the Faith” with the other two Kindred churches, UPC and Damascus. […]
Kindred Preaching Series 「主裡一家親」講壇新系列
All ECC Campuses 西雅圖證道堂Kindred website: Inter-church small group sign-ups are available now. Please visit to sign up for the small group.
YF Camp 少年營
Lakeside Bible Camp 4170 Bible Camp Dr, Clinton, WASpeaker: Rev. Stephen Lennstrom, Everett Foursquare Lowell Cost: $125 (Registration Deadline: 5/28) Registration HERE We welcome middle schoolers and those who are graduating from 5th grade. Contact: (SEA)Minster Steve, (RED) Pastor […]
VBS (RED) 暑期兒童聖經班 (東區)
RED Campus東區暑期兒童聖經學校 — 報名已額滿 歡迎參加西雅圖堂暑期兒童聖經學校。意者請上網登記 Registration for Redmond's VBS program has reached its maximum capacity. We recommend that interested participants join our VBS program at the Seattle campus.