Minister Steve Moy
Youth Ministry
Seattle Campus

Steven Moy was born and raised in New York City. He obtained his BS in Cardiorespiratory Science from SUNY at Syracuse in 1995 and then moved to Seattle to pursue his career as a respiratory therapist. Steve started attending ECC in 1997 where he met his wife, Angie, and now has two daughters.
Steve worked as a respiratory therapist for 14 years and in 2009 was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Steve is now in full remission after a year-long treatment and through God’s great mercy.
In 2012, Steve was asked to help as the interim youth director for the middle school youth group on the Redmond Campus. After serving there for 2 years, he felt the call to full-time ministry. He is currently taking seminary courses at Seattle Pacific University and is serving as the youth director at ECC’s Seattle Campus. Steve enjoys the youth’s energy and their eagerness to learn and has been blessed and encouraged as he walks alongside with them.