Pastor Ray Choi
Youth Ministry
Redmond Campus

Ray Choi was born and raised in Seattle and went to Seattle Chinese Alliance Church. He came to know Jesus in Middle School and served the church in various roles until he left for seminary.
In 2002, Ray received his undergrad degree in Technical Communication from the University of Washington. In 2003, Ray felt God’s calling into full-time ministry and went to Multnomah Biblical Seminary in Portland where he received his Master of Divinity. In 2004-2006, he served as an intern at Chinese Evangelical Church of Vancouver ministering to students. Upon graduation from seminary, Ray served at Kent Chinese Alliance Church as their English and Youth Pastor from 2006-2012.
Ray was ordained as pastor in April 2018, and currently serves as interim pastor in the Student Ministry (Youth-College) at both the Seattle and Redmond Campuses. His passions include building up next generation leaders both students and counselors. Ray met his wife Jamie while in seminary and was married in 2009 and now have a daughter.