Pastor Alex Cui
Mandarin Ministry
Seattle Campus

Alex Cui was born, raised, and educated in Tianjin, China, where he majored in Chinese Literature and History of Chinese Publishing in college. For a brief period, he worked in Tianjin as an editor of a newspaper publishing company. In 1995, he started his doctorate program in Chinese Ancient Thought History. Alex married his wife Grace in 1993 in Tianjin.
A year after marriage, Alex and his wife were saved by grace through the testimony of a friend’s son. Through God’s wondrous guidance, they began studying God’s Word in a small Bible Study group and served in a fellowship. God led them to a church where they were baptized and grew in Christ together. In 1998, God called Alex to full-time ministry, and in 1999, he began his seminary training at New Orleans Baptist Seminary. He received his Master of Divinity in December 2002, and through God’s guidance and protection, Alex and his family arrived safely in Seattle on February 15, 2003.
Alex and his wife, Grace are blessed with two children, a son, and a daughter.