Petros Yeung
Timothy Project Intern
English Ministry
Seattle Campus
Petros was born in Hong Kong, China. With his family, he immigrated to the US when he was two years old. He grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, and went to college in Rochester, New York, where he was awarded his Bachelor of Industrial Design in 2010 before moving back to Seattle. He started to work in industry-related companies.
Although he may have been willing to serve as a VBS leader or occasionally on the worship team, when people asked if he would follow in his father’s (Pastor Homan Yeung) footsteps and become a pastor too? His regular response was “if God really wants me to.” Nevertheless, anticipating serving God in many capacities besides pastoring, Petros acquired many skills (design, woodworking, music) so he could be prepared for any need in the church or the mission field.
After co-founding Living Water and serving as a YSF counselor for 9 years, God really wanted him to consider full-time ministry by placing missions on his heart. And if he was sure about missions, then he may as well go to seminary. So, from 2019-2022, Petros studied for his MDiv degree at Singapore Bible College and graduated in May 2022.
He married Sophia Wang in September 2022 and is now once again looking forward to God’s guidance to serve the church that poured so much into him.