ActsNow Conference 宣道分享 (英語聚會)

Edmonds Campus

International Christian Response (ICR) serves persecuted Christians around the world, and they will be hosting a one-day conference on Saturday, October 12th, at ECC's Edmonds campus. Registration is required, but for ECC attendees, use the code "ECCFREE" to waive the registration fee on the payment page. Visit for detailed information on the conference. (英語聚會無翻譯)

專題講座:「沒完沒了的末世」 – 新約末世觀的來世今生

Edmonds Campus

講員:張雲開弟兄(香港建道神學院聖經系副教授/國際學院總監) 時間: 8月11日,1:00 - 3:00pm 地點: 北區分堂英語敬拜廳 (7950 228th St SW, Edmonds, WA 98026) 報名:8/9 之前,鏈接: 人類上一波對末日的集體焦慮發生在二十五年前千禧交接之際,如今疫情、戰爭、科技、和政治帶來的動盪又再次引發一種末世的憂慮和不安。對信徒來說,最好的解憂治療就是回歸聖經,這正是這個講座的做法和目的。 歡迎弟兄姊妹踴躍参加。提供簡便午餐,請上網登記以便統計人數。


Edmonds celebration/dedication worship 新堂奉獻禮拜

Edmonds Campus

You're invited to an open house at Edmonds Church on Saturday, July 13th. The event will start with a facility dedication ceremony at 11:00 am, followed by lunch. We'd love for you to join us for a day of thanksgiving, celebration, food, and fellowship. Please register for food planning purposes. Please consider carpooling as parking space […]
