VBS (RED) 暑期兒童聖經班 (東區)
RED Campus東區暑期兒童聖經學校 — 報名已額滿 歡迎參加西雅圖堂暑期兒童聖經學校。意者請上網登記 Registration for Redmond's VBS program has reached its maximum capacity. We recommend that interested participants join our VBS program at the Seattle campus.
東區暑期兒童聖經學校 — 報名已額滿 歡迎參加西雅圖堂暑期兒童聖經學校。意者請上網登記 Registration for Redmond's VBS program has reached its maximum capacity. We recommend that interested participants join our VBS program at the Seattle campus.
暑期兒童聖經學校 — 義工報名開始 您願意在今年夏天預留時間,與孩童建立關係,幫助他們認識耶穌嗎? 歡迎參加本地宣教。意者請上網登記 VBS 2023 Team Applications — Open Want to impact a child's life and make your summer of 2023 both fun and meaningful? Here's a great opportunity to participate in a local missions program! If you are interested in helping out with VBS this year, please register online.
2023 青少年營 講員:Rev. Ashley Skinner-Creek, Director of Seattle Pacific Seminary 日期:8/10-13 (週四至主日) 年齡:今年升六年級至高中畢業生 費用:即日起至 7/2 早鳥優待 $135、7/3-7/23 $145 有三名青少年的家庭特價:$350 (費用可申請補助,請向聯絡人查詢) 報名:https://bit.ly/2023YOUTHCAMP 聯絡人:西雅圖堂 Minister Steve Moy ([email protected]) 東區分堂:Pastor Ray Choi ([email protected]) 北區分堂:Minister Ryan Summers ([email protected])
2023 國語夏令會 — 後疫情門徒信仰生活反思 講員:陳世欽牧師 時間:8/11-13 (週五至主日) 地點:Black Diamond Camp 報名:即日起至 7/16截止 線上報名鏈接:https://bit.ly/2023M-Summerconference
Join us this month for an evening of prayer, praise and a word from the Lord hosted by ECC-RED.