Special Congregational Meeting 特別會員大會

教會訂於 5/21主日崇拜後召開實體會員大會。屆時將請會員投票認證聘請蔡允瑶傳道加入證道堂教牧同工團隊,擔任東區分堂粵語傳道。 Special congregational meetings will be held in-person only on May 21 following each worship service at all three of our campuses. Your vote, as a member of ECC, is needed to decide on the candidacy of Minister Wendy Choy.

2023「主裡一家親」開啟聚會 Kindred Kickoff Celebration 

華大長老教會 UPC 4540 15th Ave NE, Seattle, WA, United States

歡迎加入我們一起參與「主裡一家親」2023年主題:「站立得穩,齊心努力」的開啟聚會。在那裡,我們將一同敬拜、禱告、讚美和團契。活動將於2023年5月21日(主日)晚上6:30,在華大長老教會舉行。 Please join us in celebrating the kickoff of the upcoming Kindred series on “Standing Firm, Striving Together for the Faith” with the other two Kindred churches, UPC and Damascus. We will come together for worship, prayer, praise, and fellowship. Inter-church small group sign-ups are also available now. Please visit https://bit.ly/2023KINDREDSM to sign up for […]

Kindred Preaching Series 「主裡一家親」講壇新系列

All ECC Campuses 西雅圖證道堂

Kindred website: https://www.thekindredcommunity.org/ Inter-church small group sign-ups are available now. Please visit https://bit.ly/2023KINDREDSM to sign up for the small group.

YF Camp 少年營

Lakeside Bible Camp 4170 Bible Camp Dr, Clinton, WA

Speaker: Rev. Stephen Lennstrom, Everett Foursquare Lowell Cost: $125 (Registration Deadline: 5/28) Registration HERE We welcome middle schoolers and those who are graduating from 5th grade. Contact: (SEA)Minster Steve, (RED) Pastor Ray, (ND) Minister Ryan ([email protected])

VBS (RED) 暑期兒童聖經班 (東區)

RED Campus

東區暑期兒童聖經學校 —  報名已額滿 歡迎參加西雅圖堂暑期兒童聖經學校。意者請上網登記  Registration for Redmond's VBS program has reached its maximum capacity.  We recommend that interested participants join our VBS program at the Seattle campus.

VBS (SEA) 暑期兒童聖經班 (西雅圖)

SEA Campus

暑期兒童聖經學校 — 義工報名開始 您願意在今年夏天預留時間,與孩童建立關係,幫助他們認識耶穌嗎? 歡迎參加本地宣教。意者請上網登記  VBS 2023 Team Applications — Open Want to impact a child's life and make your summer of 2023 both fun and meaningful? Here's a great opportunity to participate in a local missions program!  If you are interested in helping out with VBS this year, please register online.

Youth Camp 青少年營

2023 青少年營 講員:Rev. Ashley Skinner-Creek, Director of Seattle Pacific Seminary 日期:8/10-13 (週四至主日) 年齡:今年升六年級至高中畢業生 費用:即日起至 7/2 早鳥優待 $135、7/3-7/23 $145 有三名青少年的家庭特價:$350 (費用可申請補助,請向聯絡人查詢) 報名:https://bit.ly/2023YOUTHCAMP 聯絡人:西雅圖堂 Minister Steve Moy ([email protected]) 東區分堂:Pastor Ray Choi  ([email protected]) 北區分堂:Minister Ryan Summers ([email protected])

Mandarin Summer Conference 國語夏令會

Black Diamond Camps 19830 SE 328th Pl, Auburn, WA, United States

2023 國語夏令會 — 後疫情門徒信仰生活反思 講員:陳世欽牧師 時間:8/11-13 (週五至主日) 地點:Black Diamond Camp 報名:即日起至 7/16截止 線上報名鏈接:https://bit.ly/2023M-Summerconference