Edmonds celebration/dedication worship 新堂奉獻禮拜

Edmonds Campus

You're invited to an open house at Edmonds Church on Saturday, July 13th. The event will start with a facility dedication ceremony at 11:00 am, followed by lunch. We'd love for you to join us for a day of thanksgiving, celebration, food, and fellowship. Please register for food planning purposes. Please consider carpooling as parking space […]


Kindred Prayer Meeting「主裡一家親」聯合禱告會

Kindred Prayer Gathering July 30 (Tues) | 7pm-8:30pm | ECC Redmond, English Worship Hall Please come and join your sisters and brothers from the Kindred churches for a time of worship, reflection, and prayer.

Youth Camp 青少年營

Black Diamond Camps 19830 SE 328th Pl, Auburn, WA, United States

This year, Youth Camp will be from August 8-11 (Thurs-Sun) at Black Diamond Camp in Auburn, WA. Regular Registration fee: $155 For 11th - 12th graders registration fee: $175 (for Glacier Peak Lodge rooms) Special Rate for 3 Kids from the same family, please inquire for discount code Registration Deadline: 7/21 (Sunday) Registration Link Registration […]

專題講座:「沒完沒了的末世」 – 新約末世觀的來世今生

Edmonds Campus

講員:張雲開弟兄(香港建道神學院聖經系副教授/國際學院總監) 時間: 8月11日,1:00 - 3:00pm 地點: 北區分堂英語敬拜廳 (7950 228th St SW, Edmonds, WA 98026) 報名:8/9 之前,鏈接: https://bit.ly/3Y8cQRr 人類上一波對末日的集體焦慮發生在二十五年前千禧交接之際,如今疫情、戰爭、科技、和政治帶來的動盪又再次引發一種末世的憂慮和不安。對信徒來說,最好的解憂治療就是回歸聖經,這正是這個講座的做法和目的。 歡迎弟兄姊妹踴躍参加。提供簡便午餐,請上網登記以便統計人數。


Mandarin Summer Conference 國語夏令會

Black Diamond Camps 19830 SE 328th Pl, Auburn, WA, United States

主題  使命的承傳 講員  鍾卓權牧師 時間   8/23-25 (五至日) 地點  Black Diamond Camps 報名  填寫報名表或上網報名 報名費每位 $40 (0-5 歲免報名費報名後恕不退費) 鏈接:https://bit.ly/2024Summerconference-M 聯絡人 西雅圖:郭旭姊妹 ([email protected]) 東區:王志峰弟兄 ([email protected]) 北區:張承合弟兄 ([email protected])

Cantonese Retreat 粵語聯合退修會

Cedar Springs

主題:「基督長成的身量」 日期/地點: 8/23-25 (五-日, Cedar Spring Retreat Center, Sumas) 講員: 梁澤銘博士 (基督教角聲佈道團北加州分會主任) 歡迎弟兄姊妹踴躍參加。 即日起開始實體及線上報名: https://bit.ly/2024CantoneseRetreat

English Retreat 英語退修會

Black Diamond Camps 19830 SE 328th Pl, Auburn, WA, United States

English Summer Retreat 2024 Sept. 7-8 | Saturday-Sunday | Black Diamond Camps, Auburn Theme: “Gospel Treason” Speaker: Minister Christopher Hui Registration link: https://bit.ly/2024EnglishRetreat Questions? Contact: Bruce Chang ([email protected]) Registration Cost - submit payment (credit card only) by 8/21: •Early Bird - $100 (Before 8/12) •Regular - $115 (After 8/11) •Age 4 thru College - $50 […]

Congregational Meeting 會員大會

西雅圖 Seattle Campus 國語會員大會 Mandarin Congregational Meeting -- 12:30 PM 英語會員大會 English Congregational Meeting -- 10:15 AM 粵語會員大會 Cantonese Congregational Meeting -- 11:00 AM 東區 Redmond Campus 東區會員大會 Redmond Campus --11:15AM 北區 Edmonds Campus 北區會員大會 Edmonds Campus -- 12:30PM