Redmond-Youth Ministry Kickoff & Potluck

Redmond Campus 17360 NE 67th Court, Redmond, WA, United States

Join us for a potluck lunch and briefing about our 2023-2024 Youth Ministry programs. Come meet our counselors and Interim Youth Minister. Following the meeting, we will fellowship together over lunch. Please bring a dish to share. RSVP here:

Youth Camp Post Rally 青少年營回顧聚會

Redmond Campus 17360 NE 67th Court, Redmond, WA, United States

The Youth Camp Post Rally is where we can come back together to relive some of the memories of Youth Camp through worship, the Word, and more importantly, prayer. We want this time to help kickoff the upcoming school year with our hearts and minds on Jesus. This means that the post rally is NOT […]

ActsNow Conference (English)

Redmond Campus 17360 NE 67th Court, Redmond, WA, United States

This event is organized by ICR (International Christian Response:  and sponsored by ECC. ActsNow is literally and genuinely the book of Acts…happening now. Come and see how God is using His witnesses in India, Iran, Sudan, and beyond. Join us to learn about the unique challenges women face in persecution.

Corn Maze

Bob's Corn 10917 Elliott Road,, Snohomish, WA

Corn Maze at Bob's Corn This is a joint family event between Redmond, Seattle, North District, and SKC! Please purchase your admission ticket(s) online as well as fill out our Corn Maze Registration so that we know how many hot dogs and smores to purchase. Please see below for more details. Things to Note: Price of admission is $24.95 per person. Please sign up […]

Fall Carnival 秋季親子園遊會

Seattle Campus 651 NW 81st St, Seattle, WA, United States

Parents, bring your family and friends for a day of unforgettable fun at our Fall Carnival! Families with pre-K to 5th-grade children are welcome. More details of the event will be announced shortly. 西雅圖堂兒童事工今年將重新舉辦秋季園遊會,邀請有學前班至五年級孩童的家庭,一同來參加此免費的親子同樂活動!暢玩 25 個遊戲站、觀賞魔術表演、享用小吃,並贏得獎品!請有興趣的家庭儘早報名。大堂前廳備有邀請傳單,歡迎自由拿取邀請小朋友。 日期:10/28 (週六) 2:00PM-4:00PM 地點:西雅圖證道堂教育樓 聯絡人:兒童事工黃笑弟兄 ([email protected]) 邀請傳單及報名鏈接:

小組團契特別講座 – 《積極聆聽》

Maple Park Church 17620 60th Ave W., Lynnwood, WA, United States

在10/29 主日崇拜後,讓我們一起學習如何建立主內弟兄姊妹之間的關愛關係,會後將有愛筵共享(一家一菜),誠摯邀請弟兄姊妹預留時間參加。 講員簡介:曲淑珍姐妹出生於台灣,畢業於臺北科技大學,和先生育有2 子。 她2007年決志信主,2013年在加州受洗。 Shirleen 姐妹於2015-2018年間在中國及台灣接受了多個心理咨詢方面的培訓,並在成都、廈門兩地擔任心理咨詢師4年。回美後,姐妹先後在母堂和東區聚會,積極參與教會内外的各項關懷事工,如西雅圖堂的生命關懷事工(創辦人) 、西雅圖角聲癌友關懷事工 、北美華人真愛使者團契、真彩虹助人團契、BSF 小組長。  

Missions Fest Seattle Conference 2023

Bellevue Presbyterian Church 1717 Bellevue Way Northeast, WA, United States

Join us at the Missions Fest Seattle 2023 conference on November 3-4 at Bellevue Presbyterian Church in Bellevue, WA. With the theme "Let's Complete the Task - Where Do I Fit?", we delve into fulfilling Jesus' Great Commission, approaching its 2000th anniversary. Discover our roles, challenges, and the impact of prayer. Registration is now open! […]


Redmond Campus 17360 NE 67th Court, Redmond, WA, United States

9:30 am   聯合主日崇拜 —「從猶太人的聽命誦來回應神的愛」 11:15 am 「猶太文化及事工講座」 (上) 12:30 pm 午餐 (免費,請上網登記用餐人數: 1:30 pm  「猶太文化及事工講座」(下)西雅圖及東區粵語堂將於11/5宣教主日在東區分堂舉行聯合聚會,會中邀請中國信徒佈道會枝子宣教士分享信息,歡迎弟兄姊妹踴躍參加,更多明白神在猶太人當中如何做工。(鼓勵弟兄姊妹早到,以免找不到停車位) 講員簡介: 枝子宣教士 枝子是中信本地跨文化宣教同工。於香港出生成長,隨夫婿移民美國,育有一女。2015年枝子在神學院接受聖經與神學的裝備。2017年1月,她在耶路撒冷哭牆前受聖靈感動,為猶太人失喪的靈魂禱告;自此,向猶太社區傳遞耶穌是彌賽亞的信息,便成為她的呼召,她服事的對象是散居在美國的猶太人群體。

“Jesus Loves Seattle” Project

“Jesus Loves Seattle” Project ECC has the honor of again partnering with Calvary Christian Assembly (CCA) in their “Jesus Loves Seattle Project.” We will make 200 bags of essential items toward the goal of 550+ bags for the project to give to the homeless community of Seattle. Please follow the link to sign up to provide an essential item. […]

2023 Thanksgiving Outreach (Mandarin) 感恩節佈道會 (國語)

SEA Campus

感恩節佈道會 (國語 / 實體 + 直播) 真心話大對談 — 職場那些事,信仰有答案嗎? 訪   談:錢  斌牧師 受訪人:陳  健姊妹  周  克弟兄  李耑坤弟兄 時間:11/24 (週五) 7:30PM-9:00PM 地點:西雅圖證道堂 聯絡人:王漢遲弟兄 ([email protected]) 直播鏈接: 請預留時間並邀請慕道朋友參加!