Spring Cleaning 春季大掃除

Please reserve the time to join this annual effort and co-labor with brothers and sisters to refresh our spiritual home.

Kindred Pentecost Celebration「主裏一家親」五旬節聯合崇拜

Redmond Campus 17360 NE 67th Court, Redmond, WA, United States

Kindred Pentecost Celebration「主裏一家親」五旬節聯合崇拜 DATE: 6/5 | 4 pm — free food, and fellowship | 6 pm — praise and worship | 7:15 pm — dessert LOCATION: ECC Redmond REGISTER AT https://kindred.simpletix.com/ Join as Kindred sisters and brothers gather for an evening of food, fun, and fellowship at ECC’s Redmond campus. We will gather as one […]

YF Camp 初中團契退修會

Lake Retreat Camp 27850 Retreat-Kanaskas Rd, Ravensdale, WA, United States

“Lost and Found” (Isaiah 43:1-2) Registration Link: https://forms.gle/gdvj98a5anMsF2ZX6 Early Bird Fee: $100 (Due: 5/22), Regular Fee: $125 (Due: 6/5) We welcome those who are in middle school as well as those who are graduating 5th grade. Please contact Pastor Ray ([email protected]), Minister Steve Moy ([email protected]) or Minister Eckhart ([email protected]) for more details.

2022 Vacation Bible School 暑期兒童聖經班 (VBS)

Redmond Campus 17360 NE 67th Court, Redmond, WA, United States

Monumental: Celebrating God's Greatness! Early Bird Registration Fee: $55 per child (Due: 5/31) Children ages 4 (by 8/31/2022) to current 5th grades are welcome. Come one, come all! VBS registration for families has started. Please register online. Questions? Please contact Anita Chuck

HK Bible Conference 港九培靈研經會

香港時間 8/1-10 網上直播並提供 48 小時重溫 由於疫情關係,本屆仍然以網上直播方式進行,不設現場聚會,敬請留意。更多詳情請參閱大會網頁。 早堂 (9 am) 講員:柯貝爾牧師 (Rev. Bill Crowder) 主題:「明白基督的心」(英語證道,粵語傳譯) 午堂 (11 am) 講員:李思敬牧師 主題:「如此我信— 使徒信經與舊約神學」 晚堂 (7:30 pm) 講員:鮑維均牧師 主題:「主耶穌啊,我願祢來」

Youth Camp 青少年營

Black Diamond Camps 19830 SE 328th Pl, Auburn, WA, United States

Cantonese Summer Conference 粵語夏令會

Black Diamond Camps 19830 SE 328th Pl, Auburn, WA, United States

講員:邱清萍牧師 (曾任美國中國信徒佈道會副總幹事) 主題:還我自由,愛神愛人   地點:Black Diamond Camp, Auburn 日期: 8/12 (五) - 8/14 (日) 註冊費:每人$40 ,另外住宿膳食費用自由奉獻 報名聯絡人:高耀東弟兄 (SEA),Patrick Kong 弟兄 (RED) 請弟兄姊妹踴躍報名參加! 大會備有兒童節目。

Mandarin Summer Conference 國語夏令會

Black Diamond Camps 19830 SE 328th Pl, Auburn, WA, United States

主題:神能…… 講員:崔勝洪牧師,劉嘉亮牧師,錢斌牧師 日期: 8/12-14 (週五至主日) 報名費:每位 $40 (五歲以下幼兒免費) 線上報名:https://forms.gle/Q4Kpipsqzc2J7Aws7 報名截止⽇:7/3 大會主席:劉東奇弟兄 生活之舟有時會駛入湍急的逆流之中,黑雲壓頂,望不到盡頭。你相信神能翻轉你的處境、改變歷史、扭轉乾坤嗎?使徒保羅說:「神能照著運行在我們心裏的大力,充充足足地成就一切,超過我們所求所想的。」中外歷史上有無數的見證!請預留時間參加