Fall Carnival 秋季親子園遊會

Seattle Campus 651 NW 81st St, Seattle, WA, United States

Parents, bring your family and friends for a day of unforgettable fun at our Fall Carnival! Families with pre-K to 5th-grade children are welcome. More details of the event will be announced shortly. 西雅圖堂兒童事工今年將重新舉辦秋季園遊會,邀請有學前班至五年級孩童的家庭,一同來參加此免費的親子同樂活動!暢玩 25 個遊戲站、觀賞魔術表演、享用小吃,並贏得獎品!請有興趣的家庭儘早報名。大堂前廳備有邀請傳單,歡迎自由拿取邀請小朋友。 日期:10/28 (週六) 2:00PM-4:00PM 地點:西雅圖證道堂教育樓 聯絡人:兒童事工黃笑弟兄 ([email protected]) 邀請傳單及報名鏈接:https://forms.gle/TWNUTcFNiybaNyWo9


Redmond Campus 17360 NE 67th Court, Redmond, WA, United States

9:30 am   聯合主日崇拜 —「從猶太人的聽命誦來回應神的愛」 11:15 am 「猶太文化及事工講座」 (上) 12:30 pm 午餐 (免費,請上網登記用餐人數: https://bit.ly/1105joint) 1:30 pm  「猶太文化及事工講座」(下)西雅圖及東區粵語堂將於11/5宣教主日在東區分堂舉行聯合聚會,會中邀請中國信徒佈道會枝子宣教士分享信息,歡迎弟兄姊妹踴躍參加,更多明白神在猶太人當中如何做工。(鼓勵弟兄姊妹早到,以免找不到停車位) 講員簡介: 枝子宣教士 枝子是中信本地跨文化宣教同工。於香港出生成長,隨夫婿移民美國,育有一女。2015年枝子在神學院接受聖經與神學的裝備。2017年1月,她在耶路撒冷哭牆前受聖靈感動,為猶太人失喪的靈魂禱告;自此,向猶太社區傳遞耶穌是彌賽亞的信息,便成為她的呼召,她服事的對象是散居在美國的猶太人群體。

“Jesus Loves Seattle” Project

“Jesus Loves Seattle” Project ECC has the honor of again partnering with Calvary Christian Assembly (CCA) in their “Jesus Loves Seattle Project.” We will make 200 bags of essential items toward the goal of 550+ bags for the project to give to the homeless community of Seattle. Please follow the link to sign up to provide an essential item. […]

Baptismal Service

Seattle Campus 651 NW 81st St, Seattle, WA, United States

Edmonds celebration/dedication worship 新堂奉獻禮拜

Edmonds Campus

You're invited to an open house at Edmonds Church on Saturday, July 13th. The event will start with a facility dedication ceremony at 11:00 am, followed by lunch. We'd love for you to join us for a day of thanksgiving, celebration, food, and fellowship. Please register for food planning purposes. Please consider carpooling as parking space […]


Cantonese Retreat 粵語聯合退修會

Cedar Springs

主題:「基督長成的身量」 日期/地點: 8/23-25 (五-日, Cedar Spring Retreat Center, Sumas) 講員: 梁澤銘博士 (基督教角聲佈道團北加州分會主任) 歡迎弟兄姊妹踴躍參加。 即日起開始實體及線上報名: https://bit.ly/2024CantoneseRetreat

English Retreat 英語退修會

Black Diamond Camps 19830 SE 328th Pl, Auburn, WA, United States

English Summer Retreat 2024 Sept. 7-8 | Saturday-Sunday | Black Diamond Camps, Auburn Theme: “Gospel Treason” Speaker: Minister Christopher Hui Registration link: https://bit.ly/2024EnglishRetreat Questions? Contact: Bruce Chang ([email protected]) Registration Cost - submit payment (credit card only) by 8/21: •Early Bird - $100 (Before 8/12) •Regular - $115 (After 8/11) •Age 4 thru College - $50 […]

Congregational Meeting 會員大會

西雅圖 Seattle Campus 國語會員大會 Mandarin Congregational Meeting -- 12:30 PM 英語會員大會 English Congregational Meeting -- 10:15 AM 粵語會員大會 Cantonese Congregational Meeting -- 11:00 AM 東區 Redmond Campus 東區會員大會 Redmond Campus --11:15AM 北區 Edmonds Campus 北區會員大會 Edmonds Campus -- 12:30PM

Christmas Eve Candlelight Music Service 聖誕夜燭光音樂禮拜 (西雅圖 + 北區)

SEA Campus

2024聖誕夜燭光音樂禮拜 (國英雙語) 誠摯邀請弟兄姊妹一同參加 12/24 (週二) 7:30PM,由國語堂主辦的聖誕夜燭光禮拜。當晚節目包括:詩班獻詩、經文朗誦和福音短講。歡迎闔府參加,並請邀約您的親朋好友,讓我們分享耶穌降生的喜訊,使平安和喜樂充滿每個人的心!直播鏈接:https://bit.ly/2024SEAMChristmas