God in the Tangle of Living
Pastor Steven MacDonald
Recently, we moved from our home in Monroe to our rental in Kirkland. Why? It was not our original intention to move, but since our tenants moved out and left the place in a mess, we decided it was time to do some major renovations. We thought maybe three weeks of work, and then we would put it on the market to rent again. It became very apparent that it would take much longer and we would be paying two mortgages for more than a month. That led us to pray and, if it would be good for ministry, maybe we should rent out our Monroe house instead and move into the Kirkland house. We were surprised by God’s answer: it took less than a week to rent out the Monroe house. But that led to the craziest two months of my life, moving, cleaning one house and renovating and moving into the other, all at the same time. I have never been so stressed and exhausted in my life.
But I have to say, God is good, and God was always there in it all. We now live closer to many people, we have simplified our lives, we (my wife and I) have worked together well, I have lost unnecessary weight, and we got rid of many unnecessary things. There is a lesson in all this. We make our plans, but God imposes and intervenes. The world did not fall apart because (from what we could see) there were many uncertainties and deadlines that seemed impossible to meet. God was there over and over again. When urgent needs arose, we were able to put aside what we were doing to meet the ministry need and God kept us on track. So, I concluded that we do not have to have everything planned (though that would be preferred). God still takes care of us, even in the hectic mess of life.
Maybe you feel your life is a mess. Well, God is big enough to be there with you, even in the mess, even in the uncertainties of your week. Maybe this is your opportunity to simplify. Whatever the lesson, trust God to teach you and lead you through it.