ALL are Blessed to be ONE
Elder Rodney Ho
For more than three decades, I have witnessed an incredible unity and growth among believers striving to emulate Jesus at ECC. From the 1st campus in Seattle, ECC-Seattle has grown to 2 additional campuses – in Redmond and North District – to serve and reach growing communities for Christ in the Puget Sound.
Like many of you, Lily and I have had our share of challenges regarding work-life balance. With a one-year-old and another one three years later, we have experienced many issues like other young couples and families at ECC. We faced numerous challenges while balancing work and family life with our young children. From navigating school choices to ensuring their health and arranging extracurricular activities like Chinese lessons and math practice, the journey was demanding. Yet, amidst these trials, our faith community – across generations and cultures – have provided unwavering support, especially during times of illness and need.
We do not know how we have been able to meet these demands, but with faith, we have tried our very best, and believe that God will provide; and yes, His provisions have been more than sufficient for all of us.
Despite our busy family life and demands, we accepted a call to serve other young families within our fellowship. Through prayer and faith, we embarked on this journey, trusting that God would provide. We do not know how God has provided for not only our needs, but He has also blessed us more than we ever envisioned was possible. This experience deepened our faith, echoing the steadfastness of the early ECC-Seattle community.
In 2003, ECC-Seattle commissioned about 30 families to start the Eastside ministries. Their commitment to obey God’s command to reach others for Christ has led to funding a $2.4 million facility to support expanding Eastside ministries. Similarly, in 2010, ECC members invested $7.2 million in the establishment of the Redmond campus, dedicating it to our Lord Jesus with the goal of accommodating exponential ministry growth.
As we respond to the need for a third ECC campus, I see the same courageous step of faith as we seek a location for our north-end members to operate from the proposed North District campus. I trust that God will provide, as we continue to uphold our principle of faith in Christ. We are willing to offer back to God what we have been freely given: the precious gift of eternal life and the abundant blessings of grace.
I have been blessed to be a part of the ECC community committed to follow our Lord Jesus and make disciples that live missional lives. I have been molded and shaped by all of you, brothers and sisters with different gifts but one vision. That is to carry out the Great Commission, which is to to make disciples, baptize them in the Holy Spirit, and teach a life of holiness, free from sin (Matthew 28:18-20).
I am reminded by the Apostle Paul that we are all a part of Christ’s body, and entrusted with many varied spiritual gifts for the common good. In 1 Cor. 12, some of the spiritual gifts include wisdom, knowledge, healing, miraculous powers, prophesy, distinguishing between spirits, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. He concludes in verse 11, emphasizing that all these gifts are the result of the work of the same ONE Spirit. May the Lord bless you with Joy and abundant Grace.