God’s Wisdom
Pastor Ray Choi
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. " As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9
I’m continually reminded of how we as people make plans in our lives. We make plans for ourselves. We make plans for our kids. We make plans at work. We make plans at church. Yet through it all, we are still making plans based on information that we have available to us. We ask God for wisdom and for discernment, but in the end, we have very little control of the outcome.
I struggle with the unknown and I struggle when I don’t understand God’s plans. It does require faith on my part, to trust that God’s plans are indeed better than my plans and to trust that His plans will be revealed in time. In the midst of struggle and heartache, I can continue to trust that God is faithful and that He continues to walk beside me.
We have our plans and our desires, but rarely do things end up how we originally imagined. Even under the best of circumstances, something always changes. Are we flexible enough to adjust to the changes? And do we recognize that these changes are not surprises to God, but instead are authored by God? When we realize that God is behind the changes, it makes all the difference in the way we approach the circumstances. I still have no idea what lies ahead for me, but I trust that God is walking alongside me and will nudge me in the right direction in His timing.