Time To Think About Time
Elder Elton Lee
Never have I thought so much about time as at this stage in my life (aka, old). We all know that time is limited, but it doesn’t hit you with as much force as when you have less and less of it. When you have less money, you really focus on how you spend it. Time is no different.
But my perspective on how I spend my time has changed, with time. I have always been one to try to maximize my time, known as the quintessential multi-tasker. Management has sent new docs to watch how I use my time, as we tend to try to squeeze every drop of time to maximize productivity. I have lived life at a frenetic pace, in work and in ministry, only to burn out – multiple times in my life. I have learned, the hard way, that God did not intend for us to spend our time at a crazy pace. Nor does He want us to squander our time, our precious bags of gold.
Jesus spent quite a bit of time in “productive ministry” – teaching and preaching to large crowds, healing physically and spiritually, discipling, comforting, challenging, encouraging, and rebuking. But He also spent quite a bit of time in prayer, in solitude, and resting. Jesus even slept through a raging storm! This ebb and flow of “intense activity” and “intense rest” likely allowed Him to be so productive in His few years of active ministry before His timely and intentional passing. Even His death was likely the most productive act of all, the substitution for our sins. Jesus did not waste any time.
I feel so alive when I serve God, engaged and at full throttle. But I also feel so alive when I get to sit with my morning coffee and spend time in prayer. And I feel alive when I am cycling, thinking about nothing other than turning over the cranks of my bike ever so quickly and listening to the sounds of my gears, the road, and my breathing. Doing the “Mary and Martha” – finding that balance.
Dear God, may I spend the rest of my time wisely and balanced, in the way You designed me for, to bring You glory… and a smile.