Christopher Hui
Young Adult Ministry
Redmond Campus

Chris was born in Portland, OR, and grew up in Naperville, IL, a western suburb of Chicago. He became a believer and grew in his faith through the children’s and youth ministries at Wheaton Chinese Alliance Church (WCAC). Chris heard God’s calling to ministry in high school and served Him through various opportunities at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he graduated with a B.S. in Psychology and Religious Studies.
Chris served as a youth counselor at WCAC and worked as a children’s soccer coach in Texas before continuing to pursue God’s calling for his life and beginning his studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He graduated with his Master of Theology in 2024 with an emphasis in Intercultural Ministries. That same year, Chris married his wife, Naomi, before moving to the Seattle area to begin full-time ministry at ECC. Through his journey, God has grown Chris’ heart for shepherding, faith in practice, and ministry in local communities.