Pastor Sam's Weekly Devotionals
Promised Presence
Verse for Meditation:
“I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:20
We are focusing this month on how God’s promises enable us to live in Christ’s abundant life (John 10:10) with purpose and with power. Here is our third devotion that helps us understand that fulfilling His purpose is not by our effort, but His:
IN WORD – We forget that our purpose in this world, after we have accepted Christ, is to make Him known. That is essential, secondary only to our grateful worship. It doesn’t mean that we all become full-time evangelists, though we all have a responsibility to evangelize. It doesn’t mean that we all must evangelize by means of public proclamation, though we have a responsibility to use words. It does mean, however, that we all are given the mandate to glorify the King of glory by somehow, someway, making our lives point to Him. And the purpose of all our pointing should be to make disciples.
How do we do that? In our weakness, we let Him be seen as our Strength. In our trials, we let Him be seen as our Refuge. In our victories, we let Him be seen as our Victor. In our humility, we let Him be seen as our Lord. In every circumstance we find ourselves in, no matter how glorious or how painful, there is a way to point to Him. It is our ultimate purpose. In fact, it’s the ultimate purpose of all creation.
On this mission, we are given a great and precious promise: the King of glory is right there with us. We can’t see Him, but we can talk to Him. Others can’t see Him, but they can see that we’re affected by Him. When we feel alone, we aren’t. When we’re in pain, so is He. When we’re joyful, so is He. When we’re tempted to sin, He is right there pointing to a way out. Our problem, despite all His presence, is in not looking for Him. Though the King is right there with us, we often ignore Him.
IN DEED – Why would we do that? Perhaps we’re just forgetful. Perhaps we want His eyes to turn away sometimes. Perhaps we’ve decided His presence isn’t all that real or very relevant. But Jesus tells all of His disciples, including us, to focus on Him. Be aware of His presence. Remind yourself daily, hourly, or second by second that His Spirit is with you and in you. Never let yourself feel distant or independent. It will make all the difference in your discipleship. His promise is meant to draw you closer to Him. “God is always near you and with you; leave Him not alone.” – Brother Lawrence (in “Worship the King” by Chris Tiegreen)
Today’s devotion reminds us that God is always with us; it is we who lack the vision to see him. If you need spiritual corrective lenses, consider Brother Lawrence’s classic book, “Practice of the Presence of God” ( Use it to restore your spiritual eyesight and experience a renewed sense of power and purpose as you sense God’s Presence daily. Have a blessed week! – from Singapore, Pastor Sam