Pastor Sam's Weekly Devotionals
The Wisdom of the World
Verse for Meditation:
“Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” – 1 Corinthians 1:20
As we live in the light of the Empty Tomb, we’ll be exploring how a risen Savior transforms how we live in the world each day. Here is the first of five lessons:
IN WORD The wisdom of the world would never have chosen a cross for its salvation. The wisdom of the world always chooses the path of obvious victory. It knows nothing of the deeper battles and subtleties of faith. It acts on what it sees on the surface and grabs as much visible glory as it can. It will not wait; it seizes the day. We are not born of that spirit.
We are born of the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of God will lead us to the Cross. He points us toward eternal realities, not temporary glory. While earthly wisdom tells us to get what we can while we can get it, God’s wisdom shows us the reality of eternity that lies beyond the visible nature of this corrupt world. It shows us the Resurrection beyond the Cross. Those of us who seek true wisdom do not simply desire information from God. We want to know what He is like. We must come to see Him as the source of all truth, and we must take our cues from Him. We shouldn’t be satisfied with Him just telling us what to believe. We need to see it in action. What is His wisdom like? What would He do if He were clothed in human flesh? God has given us the answer, of course.
We can examine the wisdom of Jesus, which led Him to death for a greater good. What He did in surrendering to the Cross was absolute foolishness in the eyes of the world. And it still is. But we can see beyond the Cross if we are wise, and based on what we see, we can walk toward it with confidence.
IN DEED What is the measure of your fear? Are you casual about the precious gifts of God? Do you take grace for granted and see your sin as tolerable? Are your relationships take-them-or-leave-them propositions? Are your time and resources carelessly managed? Let any symptoms of fearlessness alarm you. Laugh and enjoy life, but fear God. Love Him warmly, but respect Him deeply. “You will know what it is to be blessed. Fear the Lord, then, and you will do everything well.” — Hermas (in “Walking with God” by Chris Tiegreen)
Which wisdom are you living by? Take time to read Job 38 – 42 this week and ask the Holy Spirit to grant you spiritual wisdom to revere the Lord above all else, the kind that enables us to experience the abundant life won by the Empty Tomb. Have a blessed week! - from Singapore, Pastor Sam