Pastor Sam's Weekly Devotionals
Living Purposefully
Verse for Meditation:
"I do not run like a man running aimlessly." – 1 Corinthians 9:26
We’re using the summer to reflect on how Jesus’ resurrection transforms our lives and what we need to do to enjoy His fullness of life. As we focused last week on how to receive God’s blessings, we turn this week to reflect on how those blessings are to be purposefully used:
IN WORD Striving for success in a secular society is an aimless endeavor. Few people, other than last century’s existentialists, perceive that, but it’s true. Though secular-minded people set their goals of economic prosperity, political power, social status, cultural influence, and more, there’s little rhyme or reason at the end for most of them. They want to do well in this life, but they’ve rarely thought beyond it.
They may think they’re aiming somewhere, but they are falling far short of the true direction of history. We know history’s outcome, of course. Jesus is coming back, and the Kingdom of God will be established. Creation is being redeemed, and the King will rule when He comes. There will be mercy for those who confessed Him in truth and judgment for those who refused. We live our lives with an eye on the point of it all. We’re supposed to, anyway. We forget to do that sometimes, but God reminds us every once in a while what it’s all about. When He does, it’s usually not a reminder simply for ourselves.
We are witnesses of the direction of history because others need to know it. Aimlessness won’t prepare people for the Kingdom and the judgment to come.
IN DEED Do you see your role in preparing people for the Kingdom and the judgment? Our roles may differ, but we all have one. For some, it’s preparing their children to meet their God. For others, it’s bringing the gospel to hidden tribes in faraway lands. Some are called to live the gospel in the business world, and some are called to express it through the arts. The possibilities are nearly limitless, but the point is the same. In an aimless society, we are to live with a purpose.
If you have felt purposeless lately, consider the goal of history and the ways God has gifted you to help others prepare for it. Live with an eye on the Kingdom, pressing toward it with passion and purpose. An aimless world needs to see you do that. Run like you know where you’re going. Purpose is what gives life meaning. “A drifting boat always drifts downstream.” —Charles Parkhurst (in “God With Us” by Chris Tiegreen)
Take time when you are on vacation this summer and consider what your life purpose is. Can you put it into one or two sentences? Does it involve God’s plans for you?
A good book to ponder these questions is the book of Ecclesiastes. Walk with the author (most likely King Solomon) as he contemplates the various human pursuits and discerned which one was most eternally impactful. Then ask the Holy Spirit to help you, as you return from vacation, to live purposefully for the latter half of the year and beyond. Have a blessed week! - from Singapore, Pastor Sam