Pastor Sam's Weekly Devotionals
Verse for Meditation:
" . . . that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." – 1 Peter 2:9
We’ll be focusing on our new life in Christ this month and exploring various aspects that will challenge us to a life above and beyond worldly pursuits. Here is a first devotion on our new purpose:
IN WORD God had a purpose in the plan of salvation, and it wasn’t just about meeting our needs. He loves us, of course, and He did save us for our benefit. But there’s more to it than that. In this divine drama of human brokenness, God has used our fallen condition to demonstrate something about Himself. This sinful world has given Him the occasion to reveal what could not have been seen in a perfect heaven: His mercy, His unconditional love, and His power to deliver and save.
We weren’t the only ones with a stake in our salvation; it was designed to display God. That’s the meaning of 1 Peter 2:9. We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people belonging to God so that we might declare His praises. We can enjoy and celebrate the fact that we have gone from darkness to light all we want; but our celebration needs to end in gratitude and praise for the one who accomplished our salvation. This drama has never been entirely about us. It is ultimately about God’s glory.
IN DEED Is God’s ultimate purpose being accomplished in you? There are two sides to your salvation. First, you receive it and enjoy the grace He has given. Second, you give Him glory for it, praising Him for His extravagant mercy. Many Christians have excelled at the first side of salvation without ever arriving at the other side. But God has called us for this purpose. Accepting salvation benefits us, but it takes us only halfway to His ultimate goal. Until we have praised Him thoroughly and zealously for His work, we have unfinished business. Take a step today toward finishing your business. Let your salvation have its result; let it glorify God. Spend some time reflecting on your chosenness and your holy calling, and then consider the amazing condescension of God to accomplish such things. Praise Him in your prayers today. “Be not afraid of saying too much in the praises of God; all the danger is of saying too little.” —Matthew Henry (in “God With Us” by Chris Tiegreen)
If you are still reading through the book of Revelation, the last chapters help us to contrast between those who live for the world and those who live in service to God. Like today’s devotion, it is a reminder that following Jesus is not for the purpose of being blessed with health, wealth, and success in this world as some Christians believe. Rather, it is a call to be otherworldly and live in the light of eternity. Take time this week to finish the book of Revelation and know that our future rests in chapters 21-22. Have a blessed week! - from Singapore, Pastor Sam