Pastor Sam's Weekly Devotionals
Relinquishing Dreams
Verse for Meditation:
“Bring joy to your servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.” - Psalm 86:4
During the autumn, many people assess the year that is passing and begin to make plans for next year. But in such an uncertain world, how do we find our way? This month, we’re focusing on God’s will and decision-making. This fifth devotion challenges us to live out our calling as God’s people:
IN WORD – If we had windows on our hearts, we’d notice a common condition in everyone: We all have a dream of fulfillment. We also have some pretty specific ideas about how that fulfillment should come. Perhaps it’s through a career, a certain income level, a person to be with, a house to own, or some other thing that just has to happen before we can be truly content. The specific dream may differ, but its presence is almost universal.
Our prayers are often filled with these dreams, even obsessed with them. We want to be fulfilled, and we know God wants us to be fulfilled too. And since we think we know what would make us feel happy and complete—or, if we spin it more spiritually, what we would consider the greatest blessing—we pray for our dreams to come true. After all, Jesus told us to ask what we will and it would be done for us (John 15:7). We don’t hesitate to tell God what our will is.
But if we come back down to earth and think a little more realistically, we have to realize that God knows what will fulfill us better than we do. He knows the dreams we have—He probably even put some of them there—but He knows what form and timing their fulfillment should take. He knows the true desires that lie beneath the dreams, the motives under the scenarios we’ve envisioned. He knows how to say no to our specifics and yes to our hearts, both at the same time.
IN DEED – One of the greatest ways to honor God—to demonstrate your trust in who He is and how He works—is to relinquish your dreams to Him. Instead of asking Him to fulfill you according to your hopes and dreams, ask Him to fulfill you according to His hopes and dreams. It’s a pretty sure bet that His plan for your life exceeds yours, and in the end it will be more satisfying than you ever dreamed. Trust Him with your heart. He knows exactly what it needs. “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” – John Piper (in “Worship the King” by Chris Tiegreen)
Do you believe that God is good and has the best plans for your life, even though the circumstances are not what you expected? Take time to read Psalm 139 and reflect on God’s design and purposes for your life. Then read Jeremiah 29:1-14. Consider that the Israelites were exiled to the land of their conquerors and their nation was utterly destroyed. Yet even in such a desolate condition, God still promised them prosperity. Close with Isaiah 55 and be reminded that God always keeps His promises. May the Holy Spirit deepen your trust in God, even if you must relinquish your dreams for something far better than you can ever imagine. Have a blessed week! – from Singapore, Pastor Sam