Pastor Sam's Weekly Devotionals
Planted by Design
Verse for Meditation:
“My loved one had a vineyard on a fertile hillside.” – Isaiah 5:1
For the months of May and June, we’ll be exploring God’s handiwork in our lives. In doing so, it will help us not only understand our purpose in life, but it will also help us to develop a right attitude as He transforms us to dwell with Him one day. We begin with this first devotion on the analogy of a vineyard:
IN WORD - Long ago, God specifically told His people not to make images of Him because they would end up worshiping something less than who He is. But when God presents an image of Himself, His people should carefully take notice. The self-portraits He draws reveal who He is better than any other description. As is often said, a picture is worth a thousand words.
At least. One of the first images God presents of Himself in the Prophets is as the owner of a vineyard. This vineyard is precious to Him. He planted it on the side of a fertile hill, and He tends it with great care. He expects great things of it, because it isn’t just any vineyard. It’s His. It’s an expression of the heart of the Creator. The vineyard, in an immediate sense, is God’s description of Israel. In an eternal sense, it’s a picture of all of His people.
Humanity’s first habitat was a garden because God is a Gardener. When God created this world, He planted human beings to grow and spread. When He chose Abraham as the father of faith, He planted a chosen nation to establish His praise in all the earth. When He sent Jesus into this world, He planted a Vine from whom all His branches could grow. God’s gardening is a universal theme. He cultivates hearts for love and fruitfulness.
IN DEED - If you have come into a relationship with Jesus by grace through faith, you are in the vineyard. You are a branch growing from the Vine, carefully cultivated, pruned, and nurtured by the Vinedresser. If you ever thought you were wandering aimlessly through life, surviving on your own, here is a clear affirmation from God that your life isn’t aimless in the least. You were planted to grow and bear fruit. Remember that when you get discouraged. There’s nothing random about your existence. In fact, the Gardener who tends to all aspects of your life is known for His attention to detail. When God gave us this self-portrait, He showed how much He cares.
“The only priority that drives the Master of the vineyard is to bring us to fruitfulness. He will do whatever it takes to make that happen.” – Wayne Jacobsen (pastor and author)
(in “Worship the King” by Chris Tiegreen)
God uses the analogy of the vineyard throughout the Bible, in Isaiah 5, Matthew 20:1-16, Matthew 21:33-46, and John 15. Each passage expresses God’s loving care of us as His people. When we acknowledge Him as our Creator and submit to His tender care, our lives are filled with abundant blessings, intimacy, and fruitful and purposeful days. Nothing can be more secure and assuring than to know of God’s faithfulness and steadfast love for us! Of course, taking what is God’s for our own purposes results in more negative consequences.
Do you realize that you belong to God? Are you living out the purpose that He has created you for? Are you enjoying God’s daily, tender care of you? Take time this week to reflect on these passages and ask the Holy Spirit to take steps to help you live in a manner that enjoys the fullness of God’s abundant life for you! – from Singapore, Pastor Sam