Pastor Sam's Weekly Devotionals
The Obedient Mind of Man
Verse for Meditation:
“When he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.”– James 1:6
We’ll be using the summer as an opportunity to re-align our lives to the Lord as many step away and rest from the daily routines and demands of life. This week’s devotion helps us reflect on the extent we take God’s counsel seriously:
IN WORD We easily forget the requirement before the promise. God’s extravagant gift of His wisdom is only given when a prior condition is met. When we ask, we must believe. Otherwise, His wisdom will not come. What does God mean by requiring our belief? Is it only that we must believe He will answer us? It is that, but it is more.
We must believe—ahead of time—that what He tells us is wisdom to be followed. We must be committed to heed His instructions before He gives them. If we are not committed, He will not answer. If we do not purpose in our hearts to do His will, we will never discover it.
Many Christians ask for God’s wisdom as an option to throw into the mix. It becomes one possibility among a range of many.
If we are only requesting His advice, He will not give it. He only gives solutions to be implemented, not suggestions to consider. The commitment to follow comes first. The mind of God is generously granted to us, but only for us to obey. It is not a shopping item. It does not come with a return policy. To ask for God’s will as an option to consider rather than a command to obey is to place our intellect above His. We put ourselves in the position of authority, with Him submitting His proposals. But He will not relate to us that way. He is the authority. When He speaks, there is no better option. The omniscient Creator does not offer us a second-rate plan. His first direction is always the right one.
IN DEED Do you ask God for His wisdom with a resolve to obey it? If not, do not expect it to come. Expect rather to be tossed around like a wave in a storm. But if your heart will commit to His way, His way will be easily found. God gives us His mind in response to our faith. “God will never reveal more truth about Himself till you obey what you know already.” – Oswald Chambers (in “Walking with God” by Chris Tiegreen)
As we have been in Banff National Park, not a day goes by where there is not a news story of some tourist who ends up needing help because they chose not to follow the groomed paths and warning signs. They think they are wise and can find their own path, but often end up in a situation where they require rescue or suffer injury. Human nature leans toward pride and suffers the consequences.
This week’s devotion calls on us to enjoy the abundant life God has already prepared for us, if only we are willing to heed and listen to Him. Regardless of whatever new circumstances or situations you face, God has already prepared a path and the necessary provisions through it.
As you go on vacation and travel to new and distant places, what is your attitude toward the rules and laws of your new environment? Do you also have the same attitude toward God’s instruction? Take time to meditate on Proverbs this month, taking a chapter a day, especially chapter 3. May the Holy Spirit help you to enjoy God’s blessings as you humbly listen to His voice. Have a blessed week! - from Banff, Canada, Pastor Sam