Youth can Show us how to Love
Minister Jeremy MacDonald
YF camp was a couple of weekends ago, and our theme was centered around John 15:10-12, “10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you” (NIV). In this section of the book of John, Jesus is preparing His disciples for His death, and then, life without Him as their Rabbi. So, what words does Jesus have for His people? What wisdom and commands does Jesus give? There is actually too much to say here; however, we can focus on one central recurring theme that is found in this passage: Love.
God has created us, all humans, all people, from all places and backgrounds, out of love. We are His beloved creations. And it is God’s love that binds us together as a family, the church. With Christ as our great example of love, giving His life, His power, His status, His rights and comforts, so that His own enemies might find life and love instead, it can be easy to have a grand and noble image of love in our minds. It can be easy with all of our romcoms, fantasies, and movies to imagine ourselves giving up our lives in love for some great cause. And while all these remain true and good and beautiful, God does not call all to be martyrs, but rather to be living sacrifices. To live life every day, dying to self that others might feel and hear, or see or touch Christ, through our own works of love. We die and find life instead, then we give it. That is the way of Christ.
Love is often most powerful in the small, unacknowledged, mundane parts of life. A mother feeding her children, a sister looking after her siblings, a friend embracing the sorrows of another. AND ALSO, the youth helping out with VBS right after camp ended. They are tired, and yet they give, they serve. It's a small thing, really. And yet our ministries, and the very life of the Church, run and thrive because of every person and family who says, “Yes.” Love need not only be grand and great. Although, we probably lack this too. But, as I reflect on that weekend, and the youth whom I serve, I could not be more excited. Yes, they are having fun with each other, and yes, that might be the main reason they signed up. And yet, they are giving nonetheless. If that is not an example of love for us, I don't know what is. Their comradery, fun, and willingness to be tired and yet serve anyway is my inspiration this week. May we all have such childlike faith as they, and so build the body up.