Reflections of the Season
Pastor Jeff Ting
A couple of Sundays ago, when the church choir offered the hymn “Gethsemane”, the atmosphere was profoundly moving. The hauntingly beautiful melody conveyed the story of Jesus willingly drinking from the bitter cup, enduring humiliation through scourging, and ultimately being crucified on the cross to bear our sins. As we worshipped, it felt as though we were transported back in time, allowing us to empathize with Jesus’ solitude and unwavering obedience. This poignant prelude set the tone for the Lenten season.
Lent, a revered tradition in the church, spans the 40 days leading up to Easter. These days symbolize the spiritual trials and preparations akin to the 40 years when God’s people wandered in the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt, as well as the 40 days of Jesus’ fasting and facing temptation in the wilderness.
During Lent, believers engage in spiritual discipline, directing their focus toward the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It’s a time for introspection, repentance, and prayer, as well as fasting and abstinence. For many, it marks the beginning of a renewed commitment to be closer to God.
Every year around Easter, the entire ECC pastoral team embarks on a retreat. Each gathering has its unique theme and approach, yet certain common threads weave through them all: drawing close to God, allowing participants to experience His revival firsthand; building community, fostering bonds of
encouragement and support; and planning the church’s future: united in purpose as we look for God’s leading. This year we held a sharing session. Each pastor and minister took turns, answering other pastors’ questions for twenty minutes. Some queries were light-hearted and straightforward, while others delved
into the depths of our hearts and souls. In another session, pastors and ministers spent about two hours alone, meditating on God’s Word, intentionally disconnecting from people, cell phones, and computers. In that solitude, I felt God’s presence profoundly, as though I was alone, yet not alone. We wrapped up with
an engaging interactive activity, with everyone utilizing collaborative software to articulate ideas for future ministry.