Annual Congregational Meeting
Elder Sam Wan
According to ECC’s Bylaws, each year, on the third Sunday of January, we are to conduct our annual congregational and business meeting to approve the church budget and to confirm new church leaders. This year is no exception – next week, we will vote on adopting the church budget and confirming new and returning ruling elders. Regarding our church budget, a member once asked me, “How come our church’s budget differs from other organizations’ budgets, which are usually comprised of income and expenses?” As far as I can remember, ECC’s budget only includes the expenses estimated for that year to conduct our various ministries and church operations, and we have not included any projected income or revenue. Why? We trust our Lord to provide us with all the resources that we will need for His church. As a church, our priority is to love God, follow Jesus, and heed the leading of the Holy Spirit. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us to “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” Matthew 6:33 (NIV). We are very thankful that our members have been actively participating in taking care of the household of God and supporting the ministries. God is faithful; He always provides us with what we need to conduct our ministries.
This year, we will vote to confirm two new elder candidates and four returning ruling elders at our annual meeting. As our church continues to grow, we praise God for calling new church leaders to serve and lead our church. Let us support them with our prayers and serve with them. Pray that God guides them and gives them wisdom and strength in serving and making decisions. May God also watch over their families as they serve faithfully in our church.
At the start of the new year, the war between Russia and Ukraine is still raging and the conflict between Israel and Hamas has no end in sight. New tensions in the Red Sea and South China Sea have flared up, and there is the uncertainty of the upcoming presidential election. Are we anxious about what may come in 2024? The angel told the shepherds in announcing the birth of our Lord, “Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people” Luke 2:10 (NIV). Indeed, Jesus’ birth brings us peace, joy, and hope. Let us trust the Lord with our families and our church in the days ahead. He will guide us through. We look forward to the victorious and glorious return of our Lord someday.
May our gracious Lord continue to bless you and your family abundantly in this New Year!