Answering God’s Call
Brother Gordon Sun
I have always known what my calling from God is – it's to be a Sunday school teacher. I have been teaching since I was in high school, and after almost 30 years, it’s like second nature to me. I thought that since it is what I am called to do, that is all I am willing to do. That’s why when the position of Children’s Ministry Director came up, I did not give it any thought whatsoever. What do I know about running the entire children’s program? Surely someone more qualified will step up and take the job, right? And to be totally honest, it seemed like way too much work!
I was so stubborn that God had to send a pastor and an elder for me to even start contemplating the idea. Eventually, after lots of prayer, I decided to take the job on an interim basis. And you know what? I was right… it IS a lot of work! I couldn’t believe how many dedicated sisters and brothers it takes to care for all the different programs (Sunday school, AWANA, VBS, etc.). People like the CM associate who has quietly served for the last five years while also working full-time at Children’s Hospital. Or one of our volunteers, who on some Sundays, leads children’s worship and then goes immediately to teach Sunday school. A sister, who even after a skiing accident that put her out of commission, is still reaching out to volunteers from her home. Yet another sister who stepped up to lead despite having a toddler herself and another one on the way. There are honestly so many more examples that I can’t even begin to mention.
As Pastor Solomon reminded us a few weeks ago, despite our own fears and self-doubt, God has given all of us gifts to use them for His glory. If you think you might be called to serve, join us! Let’s be like the servant who heard the words: “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.” Matthew 25:23