Beginnings and Endings
Minister Eckhart Chan
“The word which is really the first and last word is undoubtedly that the man Jesus, like God Himself, is not against humanity but for humanity – even for humanity in all the impossibility of its perversion, in its form as the humanity of the old world of Adam. The decisive point to which we now turn is that the royal man Jesus is the image and reflection of the divine Yes to humanity and its cosmos.” – Karl Barth
It’s been a little over three years since I moved back to Bellevue to take up a role at ECC as the Timothy Minister Intern. Since then, much has happened both professionally and personally. For example, I had the “rare” opportunity to experience ministry amid a global pandemic. And it was during this time that I moved on from my role as a youth ministry intern to become one of the English ministers on the pastoral staff. But most significantly, in these three years I also found a companion for life in Jessica Cheng, and just several weeks ago we got married! However, very soon, yet another exciting event will be added to this list. In September, Jessica and I will be packing our bags and moving to England, where I will be starting a doctoral program in theology at the University of Oxford.
It’s difficult for me to believe, but my time at ECC will be coming to an end in just a couple months, which means this might be one of the last reflections I write for the bulletin. Looking back on these past three years, I find that there is hardly enough space here to express how immensely formative this period at ECC has been for me. I will forever be grateful and indebted to ECC for granting me a space to seek further clarity in my vocational discernment. It may sound counterintuitive, but it’s clear to me today that if I had not returned to ECC there is little chance I would have gone on to pursue doctoral studies in theology. For the experiences from these past few years have played a crucial role in my theological development.
As I review the sermons, lessons, and devotionals I’ve been assigned to write while at ECC, reflecting on the many questions and challenges I encountered in the process, what I came to find was that the everyday demands of ministry were actually sharpening my theological vision, preparing me for the journey ahead. At the end of the day, all my work at ECC has been put forth in an effort (or at least with the intention) to proclaim that simple yet eternally good message, that Jesus is Lord – the first and last word of God, a word not of condemnation but of salvation. This is the Word we must hear and receive anew each day, the one in whom all other words of God must ultimately begin and end with.